Everyone calls it Saigon except for government officials.
It is busy and hot and the traffic is crazy.
Our first Vietnamese meal. It was pretty delicious. And for $4 each, a pretty good deal.
Look at these cool maxi-bonsai by the river.
This is just a small sample of all of the scooters in this city. I wonder how old you have to be in order to ride one.
We went to the zoo in the middle of a park. It was a bit run down but they were working on it. I felt bad for the big animals like the elephants. They were pretty cute though.
There are signs everywhere. It's information overload. I can't imagine trying to find a specific business, there is just too much to look at.
I tried to get a good photo of the madness of the traffic but it all moved so fast and just flows in and around everything.
The telephone and electricity cords are everywhere. Some are held up with other cords that are wrapped around them.
But the good news is that the food is delicious.