Tuesday 22 January 2013


Sihanoukville is a seaside town in Cambodia. You can swim, walk on the beach, drink a bucket of something if you so desire. Oh, and you can also get cheap 'happy' pizzas. 

Yes, a happy herb pizza is just what you think it is. A pizza with some green, herbal stuff sprinkled on top. And yes we did get one. And for over a day we grinned wildly at each other and felt ill. Never again. 

The beach was really nice because it was crawling with local children and families. It's nice that they actually are able to have the time to be able to use this local treasure. Other beaches we were at were only used by tourists. 

In the evenings the beach bars would pull lounge chairs and tables out onto the beach. We had a wonderful dinner of delicious Khmer curry on the beach, watching a storm roll in over the ocean. 

When TJ and I were there it was a holiday. This meant that all the hotels jacked up their prices to cash in on more people being around. We had our tuk-tuk driver take us around to 3 or 4 places before we found one that was a normal price. 

We were so happy to be in a smaller town after being in Phnom Penh for quite a while. And any place with a view of the ocean is a great place to be. 

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